Ali's Blog

Musings about technology, books and skepticism!

13 Aug 2020

Alerting issues with Alertmanager

Alerting is a vital part of operations, as it frees humans from watching systems and let them tend to more creative and constructive activities, until something breaks… at 3 am, but then resolves in few minutes, then fires again 10 minutes later, and that’s when you know alerting isn’t working properly!

You are running your monitoring stack with Prometheus and Alertmanager, and since you are someone with proper reliability in mind, you have a cluster of at least three Alertmanagers, perfect! Perhaps this works for a while with no issues, but entropy and chaos are always on the hunt. It is not that no alerts come through or all instances are down, it works but with some occasional annoyances: alerts flapping or receiving duplicate notification of a state. As you might have experienced, blackouts are relatively easy to fix, brownouts, on the other hand, are often elusive and hard to resolve.

Let’s define the issues. flapping happens when an alert goes into firing and resolved state repeatedly in a short window of time, like triggering again right after it was resolved a few minutes ago. This can be misleading, you want to rely on the alert state to some extent to triage issues or to decide whether you should get out of the bed at 3 am, and when alerts flap, that trust is quickly eroded. Duplicate notifications are notifications delivered more than once while the situation that triggered the alert is still ongoing. They add to the noise and chaos, you might have a Slack channel for your alerts and prefer to have a clear view of last notifications in that stream, duplicates mess that up. So in a sense flapping is the more serious of the two, but both are annoying.

Quick primer on how alerting works in Prometheus

Like a good troubleshooter that you are, you would want to find the source of the problem! But to get to the source, you need to know the path.

  • Prometheus has the data (metrics and meta-metrics1) and evaluates rules that are defined in the configuration.
  • Both scraping and rule evaluation happens at regular, pre-defined intervals2.
  • Prometheus evaluates the alert rule and if the expr returns true3 the alert goes into pending state for the duration defined by for, this is to help weed out the transient issues.
  • When the for duration is passed and expr still evals to true, the alert goes into firing state and is now sent to Alertmanager. This happens on all consequent eval intervals from this point until the expr no longer evals to true.
  • Meanwhile, there are a couple of intervals and waits configured in Alertmsnager as well, such as group_interval and repeat_interval. Alertmanager waits for group_interval to see if any further alerts come in with the same group_by criteria so they can be merged, and finally, a notification is generated, goes through routing and is sent to the intended receivers.
  • Remember that Prometheus continues to fire alerts toward Alertmanager on eval_interval while the issue persists and after the initial notification, Alertmanager sends notification only on repeat_interval (so that a firing alert isn’t forgotten) or when it is resolved. But when is an alert resolved in Alertmanager? There is a resolve_timeout in the configuration, if no alert is received by Prometheus in that duration the alert is considered resolved. Prometheus can also send resolved state (by setting the EndsAt timestamp).

How can you observe this process? good news is there is ALERTS metric exposed by Prometheus that records the state of each alert. So you can see when it went into pending, firing, and stopped firing (resolved). The bad news is this is the only thing! there are no alert specific metrics exposed by Alertmanager, there are log entries for some actions, but they often don’t match 1:1 to the flow described above.

How to find the source?

Now that you know the flow, it is easier to look for the source of the problem. First thing is to check the alert expr and ALERTS{alertname="YOUR_SHINY_ALERT"} when flapping happens, if both are continuous graphs with no change of state, you know the alert rule definition is fine. If however, you see a lot of pending -> firing in that window, you should look more closely at your alert definition. It can be the case that for is missing, which means no pending state, alert fires with the first eval to true. Or maybe for is too short4 or finally, the expression is at fault and fluctuates below and above a static threshold.

A subtle but important point is that the way Alertmanager cluster works, it expects Prometheus5 to send firing alerts to all Alertmanager instances6. If however, Prometheus is only sending alerts to one instance (e.g they are behind an ingress or loadbalancer), the cluster doesn’t get to do its job and each instance develops a brain of its own to some extent. So while one Alertmanager has recently received an alert from Prometheus, another one already thinks it is resolved (through resolve_timout) and sends out a resolved notification, and then receives the alert again and considers it a new alert and so on. Make sure Prometheus points to all instances of the Alertmanager by static config or proper service discovery.

Alertmanager in cluster mode uses a separate port to connect instances to identify peers and communicate events. If --cluster.* parameters aren’t properly set, a quorum can’t form, and deduplication and state sync won’t happen. This can be observed both in logs and in metrics exposed by Alertmanager:

  • alertmanager_cluster_members records number of peers each instance can see, this should be equal among instances, meaning they can all see each other, so for a cluster of 3 Alertmanagers this should be 3 all the time, except briefly for restarts or reschedulings of instances.
  • alertmanager_peer_position shows where each instance stands, this should also be a fixed number per instance through time except when one is rescheduled and the positions might reshuffle.

Useful alerts on alerting!

Let’s say you have found and fixed the issues, now all run perfectly and faith in alerting is restored, a great accomplishment. But then there is always entropy! This can happen again: a version upgrade, change in CI/CD pipelines, IaC refactoring, adding features, or new integrations to the system? who knows, someday someone or something might inadvertently ruin this beautiful setup. How to guard against it? changing the profession is always an option, but luckily there is also alerting! so meta! isn’t it?

Changes in cluster members

If this holds true for ~10m you have a problem in your Alertmanager cluster.

avg(alertmanager_cluster_members) by (your_cluster)
max(alertmanager_cluster_members) by (your_cluster)

Alerts not being sent to all instances

This marks deviations more than 5% in the number of alerts received by each instance compared to the cluster average, if this persists more than ~10m, alerts are not being sent to all Alertmanager instances.

  - on (your_cluster) group_left()
  avg(rate(alertmanager_alerts_received_total{status="firing"}[10m])) by (your_cluster)
* 100 > 5

  1. Such as up which provides data about the scrape target in a pull model. ref ↩︎

  2. As evaluation_interval in main Prometheus config ↩︎

  3. As result of a binary comparison or as a non-empty result (a vector) ↩︎

  4. My personal rule of thumb is to have it 3-4x of eval interval ↩︎

  5. Basically any alert client for that matter, e.g Thanos Rule. ↩︎

  6. Surprisingly this can’t be found in Prometheus or Alertmanager documentation, but is mentioned in this blog post and also in CoreOS docs ↩︎